Elect Suzanne!

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Dear Westchester Democratic District Leaders and friends,

I am excited to announce my candidacy for Chair of the Westchester County Democratic Committee.

On September 17th, at our reorganization meeting, Westchester’s Democratic District Leaders will determine the future leadership of our Party.

Democrats spoke clearly in the last election: they want change. Leadership skills, experience, and deep relationships with Democratic constituencies and elected officials are critical to accomplishing change and to our primary mission of electing qualified, pro-choice, progressive Democrats to office.

I have that experience and those essential relationships. I’ve been Chair of the Greenburgh Democratic Town Committee, and an Executive Committee member of the Westchester County Democratic Committee, for 18 years. Before that, I was Chair of the Dobbs Ferry Democratic Committee for 7 years. I’ve been a Westchester resident for 30 years and a Democratic District Leader for 25 years. My relationships with elected officials and activists at the State, County, Town, and local levels are broad, solid, and strong.

The Greenburgh Town Committee is one of the most active, energized, and diverse committees in the County. We are Westchester’s second largest committee, with 13 Village and Area Chairs comprising our executive committee, 162 District Leaders, and some of the highest-turnout election districts in the County. We welcome members of Indivisible Rivertowns, organized labor, community leaders, and advocates for causes to serve as District Leaders.  We collaborate with the Hispanic Democrats of Westchester, Westchester Black Democrats, Westchester Black Women’s Political Caucus, WCLA – Choice Matters, and Westchester Women Democrats. Under my leadership, we have elected and supported a diverse slate of candidates for office, from first-time Town Councilwoman Gina Jackson to State Senate Majority Leader Andrea Stewart-Cousins.  We believe that our actions speak louder than words.

I’ve called Democrats around the County to gauge their support before making this decision, and the response has been heartening. A special shout-out to those who are sharing their perspectives with colleagues, friends, and on social media. I am gratified by your advocacy and cannot succeed without it. 

I encourage you to reach out to me to raise your concerns and ideas. I also look forward to speaking to our local Democratic committees, and will be posting about specific ideas and a slate as we get closer to September 17th. To get in touch, it’s best to email me at SuzanneforWcdcChair@gmail.com or send me a Facebook message—and let’s start a dialogue.

Thank you for your consideration,

Suzanne Berger

Email: SuzanneforWcdcChair@gmail.com

Facebook: Suzanne Berger for Chair, Westchester County Democratic Committee