
Ensure best practices by providing resources, training, and other constructive leadership to the municipal committees and Democratic campaigns.

Support our diverse constituencies, including Black, Hispanic, Asian, indigenous, women, labor, LGBTQ+, veterans, activists, people with disabilities, seniors, and young Democrats.

Encourage participation by maintaining an open line of communication and involvement for County Democrats, starting with regular office hours and town halls on topical issues.

Promote a stronger public presence to Westchester’s 400,000 Democrats, increase our social media engagement, and modernize our outdated website.

Appeal to new voters as part of a countywide registration and mobilization program.

Review and update County Committee bylaws, including my recommendation for a prohibition against any elected or appointed official, such as Board of Elections Commissioner, from serving as a County Committee officer.

Ensure the national Democratic platform is reflected by the County Committee’s leadership.

Work collaboratively with elected officials, as well as with other N.Y. State County Chairs.


If you share my goals, the first step toward accomplishing them is with your support and your vote at the Westchester County Democratic Committee’s reorganization meeting on Thursday, September 17th!

If you have any questions or feedback, or would just like to talk to learn more, please contact me at